More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?


Does More Sex =
Cheaper Health Insurance?


Does Having Sex More =
Cheaper Health Insurance?


More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?

“People With Private Insurance Are The Least Likely To Be Lifetime Virgins.”

How’s that for a headline? Interestingly enough, this article may imply exactly that.

And while that means that uninsured people are more likely to be lifetime virgins, those that are not virgins tend to have sex with more people. If you’re ready to learn more about how insurance may effect your sex life, or how frequent sex may (coincidentally?) lower your health insurance premiums, read on.
Goal of the Study:

The goal of the study is to assess the sex life of people with private, public, and no insurance. By stratifying the demographics from peer-reviewed studies and comparing them to each other, we can calculate the probability of insurance clients having a good sex life.

Note – Correlation does not always equal to causality, so we can’t conclude that insurance is the root cause of the abundant sex life. However, you can assume that people who have insurance coverage enjoy a better sex life.

More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Various peer-reviewed studies about sexual behavior and insurance coverage were compiled. Then, the demographics of these studies were stratified to be compatible with each other. Ultimately, we were able to calculate the probability of insurance clients to fall under the following categories:
  • Ever had sex
  • Had sex in the last 5 years
  • Never had sex
  • Have sex 1 time/month
  • Have sex 2 times/month
  • Have sex 1-2 times per week
  • Have sex 3-4 times per week
  • Have sex daily
  • No sexual partner in the past 30 days
  • 1 Sexual partner in the past 30 days
  • >=5 sexual partner in the past 30 days
  • No sexual partner in the past year
  • 1 Sexual partner in the past year
  • >=5 sexual partner in the past year
Below is the sample size used for this research:
RaceTotal Sample Size
White, not Hispanic195530
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?

Note: We assumed that the sample size is weighted in such a way that the distribution of ethnicity is equal among all age groups.

Private Insurance Statistics
RaceTotal Sample Size%With Private Insurance%With Private Insurance Margin%With Private Insurance low%With Private Insurance high
White, not Hispanic19553073.20%4.00%69.20%77.20%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Public Insurance Statistics
RaceTotal Sample Size%With Public Insurance%With Public Insurance Margin%With Public Insurance low%With Public Insurance high
White, not Hispanic19553036.60%0.40%36.20%37.00%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Uninsured Statistics
RaceTotal Sample Size% Uninsured% Uninsured Margin% Uninsured low% Uninsured high
White, not Hispanic1955306.30%0.20%6.10%6.50%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Sample Calculations

For this rough draft, we only included the sample calculation for the Private insurance statistics, but we included all the outputs of the calculations.

Step 1:

We calculated the raw number of people with insurance coverage:

Race#With Private Insurance Low# With Private Insurance High
White, not Hispanic………..135306.76150949.16
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?

Take note that we did not take away the decimal numbers for the sake of accurate calculation.

Step 2:

We calculated what percentage of the total private insurance population are each race:

Race%Of Private Insurance Population Low%Of Private Insurance Population High
White, not Hispanic63.80%66.29%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?

For the lower percentage, we calculated each race percentage using the following formula:

%Of Private insurance population = NL/(HT-(NH-NL))


NL = Number of Private Insurance Population Low
HT = Total Number of Private Insurance Population High
NH = Number of Private Insurance Population High

For the higher percentage, we calculated each race percentage using standard percentage calculations.

Step 3:

We start calculating each category based on their racial percentage and the racial percentage of the insurance sample.


Sample use of table:

Row 1 means that 86.5% to 89.55% people have chances of ever having sex before.

Category:Private Insurance LowPrivate Insurance HighGovernment Insurance LowGovernment Insurance HighUninsured LowUninsured
Had sex in the last 5 years86.5%89.55%88.03%89.82%85.29%90.14%
Never had sex10.21%10.57%10.44%10.66%10.27%10.86%
Have sex 1 time/month11.91%12.32%11.88%12.11%11.46%12.10%
Have sex 2 times/month17.11%17.71%16.84%17.14%15.55%16.37%
Have sex 1-2 times per week31.45%32.54%31.99%32.63%30.59%32.32%
Have sex 3-4 times per week19.17%19.83%19.64%20.05%18.81%19.89%
Have Sex Daily6.82%7.05%7.25%7.44%7.99%8.49%
No sexual partner in the last 30 days14.36%15.37%15.36%15.71%15.75%16.68%
1 Sexual partner in the last 30 days78.81%81.56%79.39%80.93%75.35%79.55%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the Last 30 Days2.16%2.23%2.38%2.44%2.49%2.65%
>=5 sexual partner in the last 30 days0.77%0.80%0.86%0.89%1.05%1.12%
No sexual partner in the past year5.6%5.80%5.64%5.75%5.45%5.76%
1 Sexual partner in the past year78.13%80.84%78.96%80.52%75.95%80.22%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past year10.93%11.3%11.26%11.49%10.75%11.37%
>=5 sexual partner in the past year2.01%2.07%2.20%2.26%2.53%2.69%
No sexual partner in the past 5 years0.42%0.44%0.45%0.46%0.41%0.44%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past 5 years65.7%67.9%65.96%67.24%63.05%66.55%
1 Sexual partner in the past 5 years20.16%20.86%20.74%21.18%20.30%21.48%
>=5 sexual partner in the past 5 years10.36%10.71%10.86%11.10%10.86%11.52%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Results (Median)
Category:Private InsuranceGovernment InsuranceUninsured
Had sex in the last 5 years88.03%88.92%87.72%
Never had sex10.39%10.55%10.56%
Have sex 1 time/month12.12%11.99%11.78%
Have sex 2 times/month17.41%16.99%15.96%
Have sex 1-2 times per week32.00%32.31%31.45%
Have sex 3-4 times per week19.50%19.84%19.35%
Have Sex Daily6.94%7.35%8.24%
No sexual partner in the last 30 days14.87%15.54%16.21%
1 Sexual partner in the last 30 days80.19%80.16%77.45%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the Last 30 Days2.20%2.41%2.57%
>=5 sexual partner in the last 30 days0.79%0.88%1.08%
No sexual partner in the past year5.70%5.69%5.60%
1 Sexual partner in the past year79.49%79.74%78.09%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past year11.12%11.37%11.06%
>=5 sexual partner in the past year2.01%2.23%2.61%
No sexual partner in the past 5 years0.43%0.46%0.43%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past 5 years66.80%66.60%64.80%
1 Sexual partner in the past 5 years20.51%20.96%20.89%
>=5 sexual partner in the past 5 years10.54%10.98%11.19%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Private Insurance vs Average American
Notes: The average value includes those whose coverage are uncategorized
Category:Private InsuranceAverage American
Had sex in the last 5 years88.03%90.70%
Never had sex10.39%10.93%
Have sex 1 time/month12.12%11.33%
Have sex 2 times/month17.41%15.27%
Have sex 1-2 times per week32.00%33.03%
Have sex 3-4 times per week19.50%20.87%
Have Sex Daily6.94%8.60%
No sexual partner in the last 30 days14.87%16.70%
1 Sexual partner in the last 30 days80.19%79.00%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the Last 30 Days2.20%3.13%
>=5 sexual partner in the last 30 days0.79%1.17%
No sexual partner in the past year5.70%5.57%
1 Sexual partner in the past year79.49%79.43%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past year11.12%12.20%
>=5 sexual partner in the past year2.04%2.83%
No sexual partner in the past 5 years0.43%0.57%
2-4 Sexual Partner in the past 5 years66.80%64.70%
1 Sexual partner in the past 5 years20.51%22.27%
>=5 sexual partner in the past 5 years10.54%12.43%
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?
Uninsured Summary
Conclusion and Observation (Uninsured)
  • Uninsured people have slightly less chances of having sex in the last five years (87.72% vs 90.7%).
  • Uninsured people have less chances of having a sex partner all the time but have higher chances of having more sexual partners as indicated by the following stats:
    • 16.21% of uninsured people have no sexual partner in the last 30 days, a little higher compared to the other categories (14.87% and 15.54%)
    • 77.45% of uninsured people had 1 sexual partner in the last 30 days, a little lower compared to the average 79%.
  • In a nutshell, uninsured people have an inconsistent sex life. However, they have a slightly higher probability of having multiple partners.
Observation and Conclusion (Private Insurance)
  • People with private insurance have the lowest chances of never having sex (10.39% vs 10.55% and 10.56%).
  • People with private insurance have the lowest chances of having no sexual partner in the previous month (14.87% vs 15.54% and 16.21%) (Compared to the uninsured, people with private insurance are 9% less likely to have no sexual partner)
  • In a nutshell, people with private insurance have a more consistent sex life compared to the other demographics but falls off in terms of the number of sex partners.
  • In terms of frequency, uninsured people have higher chances of having frequent sex compared to people with private insurance. However, uninsured people also have higher chances of not having sex in an entire month compared to people with private insurance.
Observation and Conclusion (Public Insurance)
  • The following data suggests that people with Public Insurance are more likely to have frequent sex but are also likely to have no sex partner at all.
    • The probability of a person with public insurance to have sex 1 to 2 times per week is 32.31% which is a little higher compared to the average value of 31.92%.
    • The probability of a person with public insurance to have no sexual partner in the past month is 15.54% which is lower than those who are uninsured but higher than those who have private insurance.
    • The probability of a person with public insurance to have sex 3-4 times per week is 19.84% which is higher than both the uninsured and those who have public insurance.


  • Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Orientation Among Adults aged 18-44 in the United States: Data from the 2011-2013 National Survey of Family Growth.
  • Sexual Behavior in the United States: Results from a National Probability Sample of Men and Women Ages 14-94.
  • Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017.



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More Sex = Cheaper Health Insurance?

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